Friday, June 29, 2007

Articles on Platinum Author

That's right! Dr. King is now publishing his articles online. has recognized the quality and pertinence of his writing and has awarded him with their highest level of recognition, the Platinum Author status. Simply click on the link above to be taken to the articles he has currently submitted.

You'll be able to find a wide range of information on wellness, alternatives to pharmaceuticals, homeopathy, and family health care. Check back often to read the latest from Dr. King.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reactions to Vaccines

Each of us has heard some of the horror stories out there about the reactions some children (and adults for that matter) have had to the barrage of vaccinations required by most state health officials in the United States. A baby is barely out of the womb when modern medicine deems it vital to inject them with these vaccines. Just when a young person's immune system is adjusting to life on the outside, here come the shots full of dead diseases and chemicals. It wasn't until just recently that the vaccine manufacturers were forced to remove mercury from their vaccines. MERCURY! You've heard about mercury, right? That metallic liquid that was the driving force behind the term, "You're as mad as a hatter," due to the mercury involved in the hat making process. And we, as parents, were being forced to inject it into our young children!

Many parents of autistic children claim their child was perfectly normal before their vaccinations. And only after being subjected to vaccines did their child begin withdrawing from personal interactions and exhibit classic autistic behaviors. Many other parents have heard about these potentially life-threatening side effects of immunization and have worried long and hard about vaccinating their children. There's even a new stress disorder associated with people worrying about vaccines.

Both the anxiety and the potential risks surrounding the vaccination dilemma are becoming more and more prominent in today's health picture. In the hopes that we can shed some light on this issue, we've started a new website (that's still under construction- but come see it anyway!) called Here's the link: Over the next several months I'll be researching both sides in the debate and providing an alternative view of how you can deal with these issues. It's really a tricky subject. And I hope you can find some information that helps you make an informed decision.

So check in with the website occasionally for updates. As more information becomes available I hope to provide it to you. Until then, take care of yourself!

D. Barkett

Thursday, May 17, 2007

New company blog over on Typepad

Hey gang,

I just want to take a moment to mention the new company blog happening over on Typepad's platform. Just recently I met with Dr. King of King Bio Natural Medicine. He was pleased with the blogging going on and felt like others in the office might want to contribute. So, I set him up with a blog at This new blog will hopefully give you a glimpse into the inner workings of KingBio Natural Medicine. We've got so many good people working their tails off over there, it'd be neat to hear their unique perspectives on what it takes to help keep the KingBio process working.

So, when you get a chance, head on over there and read what people on the inside are saying about KingBio. If you've experienced the powerful healing of Dr. King's contemporary homeopathic remedies, I think you'll enjoy reading about how these remedies are created.

Take care. Hope to see you there!

D. Barkett

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Busy Spring for Us All!

I hope you've been enjoying your springtime as much as I have! It sure is hard to plop myself down in front of the computer when the grass is so green and my new pups are chewing at my feet, trying to get me to take them out for some wrestling in the grass. But now I find myself seated in a rare moment when both the pups and the children are in bed. My wife is busy in the kitchen doing some of her typically vital tasks. And I take just the briefest of moments to check in and say, "Hey!"

So hey! I hope that this busy season is seeing your productivity soar! I hope those seasonal blues are left your head and you're now being filled with the potential and expectant promise of days spent creating and living! I hope as the days grow longer and the nights grow short that you are filled with the joy of seeing all the new growth around you. The trees, the flowers, the animals, even the bugs! Everything around you is in a state of growth!

I hope you are too!

Why don't you leave me a quick comment about your growth this season? Next post I'll reveal a little about my growth this season. All I can say now is, thank goodness the sun has returned!

Be well my friends!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Imagining higher health!

How involved are you in your health care choices? Do you have insurance that requires you to see a specific group of physicians? Does your coverage exclude some alternatives like chiropractic, massage, or homeopathy? Perhaps you're one of the millions of Americans that don't have insurance coverage and your choices are limited by your financial situation.

Whatever your situation, take a moment to imagine with me a health care system that is less oriented towards the analysis and maintenance of disease and more geared towards helping people stay healthy and live healthy lives. Imagine seeing a doctor of your choice, be they a traditional doctor, a chiropractor, a shaman, a massage therapist, or homeopathy, a naturopath, or whatever helps! Imagine not being constrained by what a group of politicians or insurance executives have deemed is the most cost effective way to approach health and disease.

I know, I know. I'm living in some sort of wonderland, full of fiction and fantasy. But perhaps more of us need to be imagining a reinvented health care system. Perhaps more of us need to create and share a vision of health care that treats health as the right of us all. Perhaps more of us need to work together to demand that the alternatives we seek are available to us and are considered worthy and effective.

Leave me your comments on this please. Am I just dreaming? Am I totally out of my mind? Is this even possible? I would sure like to think so. Let me know what you're thinking. I'd love to know that I'm not alone when I say that imagining a new world health is one step closer to creating it.

Be well my friends!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Workshop reminder!

I just want to throw out one last reminder about Dr. Frank King's homeopathy seminar taking place later this month. The workshop has been filling up fast, and we only have a few spaces left, so be sure to call or stop by the website soon to grab your seat. Dr. King's busy schedule doesn't allow him the opportunity to conduct a workshop of this type very often, either, so if you are wanting to learn powerful tools designed to help you implement homeopathy into your practice or to take your understanding of homeopathy to a new level, act now!

Dr. King promises to deliver hands-on tools that you will be able to put into practice on Monday morning. You'll be able to get right to work using the latest in homeopathic methodology and products after this two day workshop taking place just outside of Asheville, North Carolina.

Here's the link to the website. You'll find a link there to the seminar application.

I hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Coming Allergy Season

If you're like me, you've already felt those first tinges of spring time allergies. The news has already hit on the fact that this spring will be one of the worst for allergy sufferers in years. Already I see the yellow pollen gathering on my car windows!

Over the last several years I have utilized King Bio's Allergy Relief homeopathic remedy in order to minimize my body's reactions to these allergens. And over the last several years I have been successful! As a child, mowing the lawn would leave me swollen and profusely mucous-ridden. Today, I can mow the lawn and roll in the grass and generally enjoy those wonderful outdoor moments that previously would leave me grasping for tissues.

This allergy season, I've got on hand two remedies in case my allergies decide to try to sneak back into my consciousness. King Bio's Allergy Foundation formula is the first line of attack against allergies. I couple this with the Southern Allergy Formula, a new formulation of homeopathic remedy that is geographically specific. This one-two punch helps me empower my body to stay healthy throughout the allergy season.

If you are seeking a way to combat your allergies and you don't want to become the human allergy pin-cushion with shots, try out Dr. King's allergy remedies. You can find them through this link:

If you have any questions about these homeopathic remedies, feel free to leave me a comment.

Take care everyone.

And happy spring!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Upcoming Seminar with Dr. King!

If you've been researching homeopathy online and are hungry for some face-to-face with experienced homeopathic practitioners, here's your chance. Dr. King, CEO and founder of King Bio Natural Medicine, presents a powerful seminar entitled "Contemporary Breakthroughs in Homeopathy." This seminar will be held April 21-22 outside of Asheville, North Carolina. Registration information is available from the website at

Dr. King has worked for nearly twenty years to develop powerful healing tools that empower the greatest number of people to experience the highest level of health. He truly feels that each and every one of us has been designed to be healthy. The contemporary homeopathic remedies he has created over the years help recreate these optimal levels of health.

Whether you are a health care practitioner seeking to expand your practice or an individual wanting to experience a higher level of health in your life, Dr. King's seminar will enable you to elevate your life and your health care practice to new levels of productivity, efficiency, and wellness. Dr. King guarantees that you will leave his workshop with tools that you can implement on Monday morning in your practice. Drawing on his years of experience as a health care professional, he knows what is necessary and what works in helping others recreate health in their lives. Now, he wants to help you help others as well!

It's important to register now for this event. Spaces are limited and are filling up quickly. Go to the website at and click on the seminar information to download an application. It's bound to be an exciting couple of days.

I hope to see you there!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

King Bio's SafeCareRx

Great news! Over the last several months, all of us at King Bio have been working our little tails off trying to get the SafeCareRx line of homeopathic remedies available to health care professionals. The wait is now over! If you are a health care professional, come over to the website at and sign up to receive access to King Bio's most powerful and effective homeopathic remedies to date.

These remedies offer a level of healing available only to health care professionals. Access is free and requires only a simple submission of your credentials. Once we've verified you, we'll give you total access to not only these amazing contemporary homeopathic remedies, but also to all of the manuals and methods Dr. King has been using to promote and create health in his life-long pursuit of wellness.

Come visit us at the website. And let us know what you think of the new SafeCareRx layout. We're trying out a slightly new look for these new products.

And, as always, be well!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Update on my lactose-intolerant daughter

My wife took our oldest daughter to the allergy doctor the other day, hoping to get a complete analysis of her allergies. We'd thought she was allergic to milk and perhaps wheat, but upon speaking with the doc, he tells her that instead of being allergic to milk, she was simply lactose-intolerant. This made a lot of sense to us, after the fact. And since we'd already been restricting her diet and had seen vast improvements in her energy and health, the doc recommend we make no further changes.

They came home and I muscle tested my daughter for the food allergy remedy. Lo and behold, she didn't test for it. So, now, we take the slightly more restrictive diet approach and hope that she might grow out of her sensitivity.

What a trooper that girl is...

Take care everyone.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Dairy-Free Kid!

If you read my last post, you know that my oldest daughter had diagnosed herself with an allergy to dairy. It's been just about a week since that self-realization, and we've made some changes since then to her diet. My family is lucky enough to live in Asheville, NC, a very forward thinking town, that is home to several large health food stores. The day my daughter realized she couldn't really eat anything that had milk in it, she became depressed. But that evening we went to her favorite restaurant where she could still get her favorite meal and afterwards went shopping at one of these health food stores.

We wandered around and let her choose some new foods to try. She was very excited and daring in her choices. Soy cheese, dairy free ice cream treats, soy yogurt, rice milk, she even pondered getting a vegan cookie but settled instead for her frozen soycream bar. Once she saw that she had many tasty alternatives and that living without diary didn't have to be as big a sacrifice as she once thought, she perked right back up to her young happy self.

We've got her on three different King Bio homeopathics as well. We added the Food and Chemical Allergy Relief remedy to the Children's Growth and the Peaceful Mind remedies she had already been taking. She's getting good at taking these without being reminded - more than I can say for her mother and the remedies she tested positively for...

Over the next several months, I'll keep you posted on my daughter's progress. I know many of you out there suffer from an intolerance towards lactose and all things dairy. But, through making good dietary choices and helping the body heal itself with homeopathics, perhaps ice cream won't forever be dead to us!

Take care everyone. And if you get the chance head over to the website at to see the exciting changes we've got going on over there. Dr. King's most powerful line of homeopathics are now available online. It's the SafeCareOTC and Rx line of contemporary homeopathic remedies. The online store is always open!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Homeopathy and My Children

My oldest daughter is nearly eight. She is usually the smallest kid in her class. I guess she gets her size from her mom since I'm not a small guy by any means. She was a little concerned about her size, so I muscle-tested her for King Bio's Growth formula. Lo and behold, she responded to the remedy.

Same daughter, different remedy. I often witnessed how angry she would get at home with herself or her little sister. She came to me wanting to get a remedy for her anger. And she's only eight! A quick muscle test later, and add one Peaceful Mind remedy to the list.

And just two nights ago, she came to my wife and me stating that she felt like she was allergic to dairy and wheat. She'd always been very in touch with her body, so I was very inclined to believe her. We began eliminating dairy from her diet first. And we added the Food Allergy remedy to her growing list.

Thank heavens the King Bio remedies are totally safe and restorative in their healing nature. I can feel totally comfortable giving her the remedies to keep in her room, knowing that even if she or her little sister drink the entire bottle, neither will suffer any negative side effects.

It's only been about a week since she started on the remedies. I'll make sure to let you know how things progress.

Take care!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Time sure is flying by!

If it's been a bit since you've been to the King Bio website you should really take a moment to stop by. We've been working diligently to get the SafeCareOTC site up and are almost completely done with the SafeCareRx site. These remedies represent years of work and are the top of the line contemporary homeopathic remedies available. The online store has been updated, allowing you to order these powerful remedies right from the website.

The SafeCareRx store is not up yet. These remedies are actually designed only for health care professionals. Soon we will have a form up on the site that allows these professionals to sign up to receive access to these remedies. We think these SafeCareRx remedies will elevate your healing to a whole new level.

Thanks for coming back around. Things sure have been busy 'round here. Not only has the website been undergoing some serious changes, but my family is experiencing some changes as well. I don't want to get into tonight -it's late and I must get some sleep before the night turns to day- but I promise I'll post more soon. Suffice it to say, everyone in my house has been pumping those King Bio remedies!

Take care everyone. And be well!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Current Research on Homeopathy

The latest issue of the homeopathy ezine called has a great summation of articles that lists the positive research on homeopathy. While the articles are chock full of ads *ugh*, the text itself is quite informative and enlightening. If you're like me and you find yourself telling your friends and even some complete strangers about the power you've experienced with homeopathy, this article gives you loads of ammunition for just those occasions. For instance, did you know that people in 41 of the 42 countries in Europe use homeopathy? And did you know that nearly 30% of Europeans use homeopathy for their health care? Kinda makes you wonder what the state of homeopathy would be in America if it hadn't been forced into the margins by the American Medical Association.

Check out the article at this link: Aside from that article, has tons of other information and discussion about all things homeopathy.

Be well my friends.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Personal Health Appraisal

King Bio has this wonderful tool that enables all of us to take an honest look at our mental, physical, and emotional health in ways that truly empower us. We call this tool the Personal Health Appraisal, and it's offered for free, only through this blog.

The Personal Health Appraisal walks you through a series of statements, asking you to rank your responses to specific situations. In so doing, you become more aware of the various elements affecting your total health picture. Many times we are unaware of the complexity of all the factors influencing our health. This appraisal lays things out very clearly and simply, elevating your self-perception and empowering you to take steps to help you re-create your health!

Anyone who is interested in receiving a copy of this Personal Health Appraisal just needs to leave me a comment below (by clicking on the comment link after this post) with their email. I'll gladly send one off to you. If you have any questions, perhaps about how to fill out the questionaire, or maybe the questionaire brings up issues you feel you need to discuss, either leave me a comment or email me at

I wish you good health and the gift of re-creation!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Regain that Hope!

Alright, it's one thing to know that being hopeful creates more meaningful life experiences. But how do we go about regaining our lost hope? Sometimes it feels like a darkness has engulfed us and nothing will be able to rescue us. Fear not. Hope is on the way.

Dr. Sciloi, writing in Spirituality and Health magazine, details fourteen different way of working on regaining hope, one for each of the fourteen different aspects of hope. It is not necessary to practice each of these exercises, but rather, prioritize which elements you most need in your life and honestly judge which of the exercises you will most effectively be able to incorporate into your life.

Here's the exercises. If you have any questions about this, feel free to leave me a question in the comment section below.

  • Ask, "What would my role model do?"

  • Do you end-of-life reflection right now.

  • Experiment with smiles.

  • Travel!

  • Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing (breath in for a count of four from your belly and out for a count of six).

  • Take stock of your connections (list the members of your immediate family, five members of your extended family, five closest friends, and five coworkers- then list ways you can improve your connections with these people).

  • Re-envision your next ten experiences.

  • Practice to Access Wisdom (meditate and be mindful).

  • Experience a new sacred practice.

  • Play with your brain.

  • Make kindness your research project.

  • Detach, master, or attach.

  • Spread your love.

  • Wrie your mission statement.

Phew! Quite a list. But if you incorporated just one of these exercises into your daily routine, I bet you'll feel the hope return to your life in ways totally unexpected and fulfilling.

Be well, my friends.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Vision of Hope, part II

I hope you've enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to a fulfilling work week.

Last Thursday I was writing about hope and the role it plays in creating a meaningful and powerful existence. And, not surprisingly, the work we do plays a large role in how hopeful we are. Spirituality and Health magazine's latest issue looks deeply into hope (just click on the title to visit their site).

Dr. Scioli, the author of the article, feels that each of us can cultivate hope through our intention and practice. He has divided hope into fourteen different aspects, each of which can be rated, cultivated, and experienced fully. Today I'll cover the fourteen hopeful traits as well as looking at some of the KingBio remedies designed to help promote a hopeful outlook on life. Next post I'll detail some of Dr. Scioli's ways to enhance those areas of hopefulness in which we might be lacking.

Here's the 14 hopeful traits:
  • Supported Mastery- How confident are you that you can reach your goals?
  • Ultimate Ends- How committed are you to your life's mission?
  • Basic Trust- Were you raised in a trusting and caring environment? Are you surrounded by trustworthy people?
  • Openness- Are you generally open with others?
  • Personal Terror Management- How effective are you at reducing your fears and worries?
  • Social Terror Management- How trusting are you in the goodwill of others?
  • Positive Future- How hopeful do you feel about your future?
  • Spiritual Empowerment- How connected do you feel to the greater forces at work in our lives?
  • Spiritual Openness- How open are you to spiritual input from a power or force beyond you?
  • Mystical Experience- In the right environment, do you feel the presence of a higher power?
  • Benign Universe- Do you believe there is goodness in the world?
  • Spiritual Terror Management- Do you take comfort and peace from your spiritual beliefs?
  • Symbolic Immortality- Do you believe there is life beyond this existence?
  • Symbolic Integrity- Are you fulfilling your life's mission?

This is quite a list. Ask yourself these questions and then prioritize which of these hopeful elements you need to work on most. Also give yourself credit for those areas where you are strong. This whole "living" business is tough. When we find moments to be hopeful, they should be celebrated, even if it's only a quiet personal celebration.

If you've been reading my posts, you may know some of the tough times I've gone through just recently. For many months, my hope was at an all time low. But, through working with the Great Smokes Medical Center and by taking some of King Bio's homeopathic remedies, I've been able to regain much of my hopeful attitude.

Currently I'm taking King Bio's SafeCareRx "Grief" and "Guilt" remedies. But, if you're not working with a health care professional, the SafeCareOTC line is available from our website. Here are the remedies that help with creating a hopeful mindset:

  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Love Your Self
  • Embrace Life
  • Calm
  • Peace: Extreme
  • Mind-Body Restore Remedy
  • Fearless
  • Heal Your Heart
  • Forgive Your Self
  • Soothe Your Sorrow
  • Trust
  • Tolerance
  • Confidence
  • Certainity

You can read more about each of these from the website, but if you have any specific questions, feel free to leave me a comment and I'll help any way I can.

Thanks for coming around. I hope I've been some help.

Be well.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Hope for tomorrow!

The ancients looked at this time of year as the beginning of a new cycle of growth and life. That’s a little hard for us moderns who are less attached to the natural cycles occurring around us. But even in our modern world where we surround ourselves with technology and insulate ourselves from adversity, it is important to take the time to reconnect with ourselves.

Ask yourself these questions: How do you see the world? Are you hopeful about the future in general? Are you hopeful about your future? In what do you take joy on a daily basis? Do you find yourself excited about the opportunities available to you or do you find yourself depressed at the frustrating state of your personal and professional development?

New research from Dr. Anthony Scioli, a professor of psychology at Keene State College in New Hampshire, has been looking very deeply into hope and the roll it plays in sustaining life. The current issue of Spirituality and Health magazine, thoughtfully sent to me by the publishers, dedicates much of their space to hope and how hope affects so much of a person’s life experience.

Hope, simply stated, is the key to good health. It is also the best predictor of a meaningful existence, however variously that is defined. Hope is an indicator of academic and athletic performance.

And, most importantly, hope is a skill you can acquire! You can cultivate it and nourish it. According to the article by Louise Palmer, hope is self-perpetuating. Hopeful people tend to be more resilient, more trusting, more open, and more motivated than those less hopeful. Hopeful people are more likely to receive more from the world- which then adds to their sense of hope!

What a beautiful cycle!

So, the question again is…Are you hopeful about the future?

Next post I’ll look a little more deeply into the different aspects of hope, as detailed by Dr. Sciloi (a little hint, there’s 14 of them). Later I’ll give you a few practices designed to help you raise your hopes as well as listing out for you some of the new King Bio Mind and Body remedies designed to promote a hopeful mindset (you can always go to the website and check them out for yourself…).

If you get the chance, check out Spirituality and Health magazine. Here is their website: This is my first copy, and it is full of great information and questions designed to help you live a more connected life.

Be well everyone!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Time to Reveal It All!

Recently, legislation passed that required bloggers to disclose if they were working for a company. From the inception of this blog I have never hidden the fact that I work for King Bio Natural Medicine. But, with this legislation looming large in the minds of some in the blogging world, I thought I’d take a moment to detail my history working with King Bio and how I came to be their blogger and primary creative consultant in matters literary and otherwise.

About ten years ago I was teaching at a small middle school outside Asheville, North Carolina. I had just moved to Asheville from the tiny college town of Boone, and I’d only lived in Boone for about two years. Before that I attended university in Boulder, Colorado where I received my degree in teaching and English. I was very excited to get my first steady teaching gig at Erwin Middle School outside of Asheville, and I threw myself into the job with the characteristic passion I usually bring to tasks that inspire me.

One of my students during my first year in that public school was a young Frankie King, Jr. Great kid. One of my favorites. I know teachers aren’t supposed to have favorites, but, we do. It’s just natural. Some teachers connect with specific kids more so than other kids. I don’t know why. I think it’s an energetic or vibrational thing. Anyways, young Frankie and I connected immediately. I enjoyed the level of intelligent conversation we could sustain. His attitude was positive and contagious. He had a great group of friends.

Parent-Teacher night rolls around and I get to meet Frankie’s dad and step-mom. Great folk. Energetic and vibrant, supportive and likable, Dr. Frank King and his wife Susie made me feel totally appreciated. Like father, like son, the connection was immediate and remarkable in that I haven’t connected like that with any other parents during the next ten years of teaching.

The year progressed, relationships grew, and by the end of the school year, I approached Dr. King with a creative proposal. I offered my writing services in any way I thought might benefit his business. At the time I knew absolutely nothing about homeopathy or alternative systems of healing. Dr. King and I spoke at length about writing a short manual on homeopathy and how people could easily apply it to their lives. Totally inspired by the good doctor, I undertook a great deal of research into homeopathy and began working on some first drafts of what would eventually become the manual called “Making Homeopathy Easy.” This small book is still available from the website and still lays out the basics of this amazing and curative healing process in a very easy and straightforward manner.

Once school started again in August, I took several years off from King Bio. I steadily utilized different remedies from Dr. King and had entirely assimilated this alternative health approach into my lifestyle. I cured myself of my seasonal allergies. I utilized the King Bio Cold and Flu remedies every year as a teacher to help fight off those ever-present colds. But most of all, I was no longer a willing consumer of the AMA’s version of medicine. I still used some of the benefits of western medicine’s modern approach, but I was much more likely to look at the alternatives available to me before jumping into a pharmaceutical mind-set.

To wrap this back story up, I reconnected with Dr. King around May of 2006 and began collaborating with him on a variety of different creative projects (he’s always got so many different ideas percolating in that head of his!). Being unfamiliar with the blogging concept, I sold him on the idea of beginning to create a community online around homeopathy and alternative health. He was in!

Writing this blog over the last several months has been a great way for me to constantly evaluate my perspective on health as well as educate others about their options for maintaining or recreating health. I always enjoy the comments you leave me and I hope that you find something in these postings that help you reconnect with your healthy body and mind.

Remember, as the good doctor likes to remind me, we are designed to be healthy. We can all live long lives and die in good health. It is up to us to utilize the tools at our disposal to help us along the way.

Be well my friends. And happy new year!