Recently, legislation passed that required bloggers to disclose if they were working for a company. From the inception of this blog I have never hidden the fact that I work for King Bio Natural Medicine. But, with this legislation looming large in the minds of some in the blogging world, I thought I’d take a moment to detail my history working with King Bio and how I came to be their blogger and primary creative consultant in matters literary and otherwise.
About ten years ago I was teaching at a small middle school outside Asheville, North Carolina. I had just moved to Asheville from the tiny college town of Boone, and I’d only lived in Boone for about two years. Before that I attended university in Boulder, Colorado where I received my degree in teaching and English. I was very excited to get my first steady teaching gig at Erwin Middle School outside of Asheville, and I threw myself into the job with the characteristic passion I usually bring to tasks that inspire me.
One of my students during my first year in that public school was a young Frankie King, Jr. Great kid. One of my favorites. I know teachers aren’t supposed to have favorites, but, we do. It’s just natural. Some teachers connect with specific kids more so than other kids. I don’t know why. I think it’s an energetic or vibrational thing. Anyways, young Frankie and I connected immediately. I enjoyed the level of intelligent conversation we could sustain. His attitude was positive and contagious. He had a great group of friends.
Parent-Teacher night rolls around and I get to meet Frankie’s dad and step-mom. Great folk. Energetic and vibrant, supportive and likable, Dr. Frank King and his wife Susie made me feel totally appreciated. Like father, like son, the connection was immediate and remarkable in that I haven’t connected like that with any other parents during the next ten years of teaching.
The year progressed, relationships grew, and by the end of the school year, I approached Dr. King with a creative proposal. I offered my writing services in any way I thought might benefit his business. At the time I knew absolutely nothing about homeopathy or alternative systems of healing. Dr. King and I spoke at length about writing a short manual on homeopathy and how people could easily apply it to their lives. Totally inspired by the good doctor, I undertook a great deal of research into homeopathy and began working on some first drafts of what would eventually become the manual called “Making Homeopathy Easy.” This small book is still available from the website and still lays out the basics of this amazing and curative healing process in a very easy and straightforward manner.
Once school started again in August, I took several years off from King Bio. I steadily utilized different remedies from Dr. King and had entirely assimilated this alternative health approach into my lifestyle. I cured myself of my seasonal allergies. I utilized the King Bio Cold and Flu remedies every year as a teacher to help fight off those ever-present colds. But most of all, I was no longer a willing consumer of the AMA’s version of medicine. I still used some of the benefits of western medicine’s modern approach, but I was much more likely to look at the alternatives available to me before jumping into a pharmaceutical mind-set.
To wrap this back story up, I reconnected with Dr. King around May of 2006 and began collaborating with him on a variety of different creative projects (he’s always got so many different ideas percolating in that head of his!). Being unfamiliar with the blogging concept, I sold him on the idea of beginning to create a community online around homeopathy and alternative health. He was in!
Writing this blog over the last several months has been a great way for me to constantly evaluate my perspective on health as well as educate others about their options for maintaining or recreating health. I always enjoy the comments you leave me and I hope that you find something in these postings that help you reconnect with your healthy body and mind.
Remember, as the good doctor likes to remind me, we are designed to be healthy. We can all live long lives and die in good health. It is up to us to utilize the tools at our disposal to help us along the way.
Be well my friends. And happy new year!