Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Imagining higher health!

How involved are you in your health care choices? Do you have insurance that requires you to see a specific group of physicians? Does your coverage exclude some alternatives like chiropractic, massage, or homeopathy? Perhaps you're one of the millions of Americans that don't have insurance coverage and your choices are limited by your financial situation.

Whatever your situation, take a moment to imagine with me a health care system that is less oriented towards the analysis and maintenance of disease and more geared towards helping people stay healthy and live healthy lives. Imagine seeing a doctor of your choice, be they a traditional doctor, a chiropractor, a shaman, a massage therapist, or homeopathy, a naturopath, or whatever helps! Imagine not being constrained by what a group of politicians or insurance executives have deemed is the most cost effective way to approach health and disease.

I know, I know. I'm living in some sort of wonderland, full of fiction and fantasy. But perhaps more of us need to be imagining a reinvented health care system. Perhaps more of us need to create and share a vision of health care that treats health as the right of us all. Perhaps more of us need to work together to demand that the alternatives we seek are available to us and are considered worthy and effective.

Leave me your comments on this please. Am I just dreaming? Am I totally out of my mind? Is this even possible? I would sure like to think so. Let me know what you're thinking. I'd love to know that I'm not alone when I say that imagining a new world health is one step closer to creating it.

Be well my friends!

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