Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Dairy-Free Kid!

If you read my last post, you know that my oldest daughter had diagnosed herself with an allergy to dairy. It's been just about a week since that self-realization, and we've made some changes since then to her diet. My family is lucky enough to live in Asheville, NC, a very forward thinking town, that is home to several large health food stores. The day my daughter realized she couldn't really eat anything that had milk in it, she became depressed. But that evening we went to her favorite restaurant where she could still get her favorite meal and afterwards went shopping at one of these health food stores.

We wandered around and let her choose some new foods to try. She was very excited and daring in her choices. Soy cheese, dairy free ice cream treats, soy yogurt, rice milk, she even pondered getting a vegan cookie but settled instead for her frozen soycream bar. Once she saw that she had many tasty alternatives and that living without diary didn't have to be as big a sacrifice as she once thought, she perked right back up to her young happy self.

We've got her on three different King Bio homeopathics as well. We added the Food and Chemical Allergy Relief remedy to the Children's Growth and the Peaceful Mind remedies she had already been taking. She's getting good at taking these without being reminded - more than I can say for her mother and the remedies she tested positively for...

Over the next several months, I'll keep you posted on my daughter's progress. I know many of you out there suffer from an intolerance towards lactose and all things dairy. But, through making good dietary choices and helping the body heal itself with homeopathics, perhaps ice cream won't forever be dead to us!

Take care everyone. And if you get the chance head over to the website at to see the exciting changes we've got going on over there. Dr. King's most powerful line of homeopathics are now available online. It's the SafeCareOTC and Rx line of contemporary homeopathic remedies. The online store is always open!

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