Sunday, January 28, 2007

Current Research on Homeopathy

The latest issue of the homeopathy ezine called has a great summation of articles that lists the positive research on homeopathy. While the articles are chock full of ads *ugh*, the text itself is quite informative and enlightening. If you're like me and you find yourself telling your friends and even some complete strangers about the power you've experienced with homeopathy, this article gives you loads of ammunition for just those occasions. For instance, did you know that people in 41 of the 42 countries in Europe use homeopathy? And did you know that nearly 30% of Europeans use homeopathy for their health care? Kinda makes you wonder what the state of homeopathy would be in America if it hadn't been forced into the margins by the American Medical Association.

Check out the article at this link: Aside from that article, has tons of other information and discussion about all things homeopathy.

Be well my friends.

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