Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Coming Allergy Season

If you're like me, you've already felt those first tinges of spring time allergies. The news has already hit on the fact that this spring will be one of the worst for allergy sufferers in years. Already I see the yellow pollen gathering on my car windows!

Over the last several years I have utilized King Bio's Allergy Relief homeopathic remedy in order to minimize my body's reactions to these allergens. And over the last several years I have been successful! As a child, mowing the lawn would leave me swollen and profusely mucous-ridden. Today, I can mow the lawn and roll in the grass and generally enjoy those wonderful outdoor moments that previously would leave me grasping for tissues.

This allergy season, I've got on hand two remedies in case my allergies decide to try to sneak back into my consciousness. King Bio's Allergy Foundation formula is the first line of attack against allergies. I couple this with the Southern Allergy Formula, a new formulation of homeopathic remedy that is geographically specific. This one-two punch helps me empower my body to stay healthy throughout the allergy season.

If you are seeking a way to combat your allergies and you don't want to become the human allergy pin-cushion with shots, try out Dr. King's allergy remedies. You can find them through this link:

If you have any questions about these homeopathic remedies, feel free to leave me a comment.

Take care everyone.

And happy spring!

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