Thursday, October 12, 2006

Movin' and Shakin' at King Bio!

I just got back from a meeting with Dr. King back at King Bio HQ. Things are definitely heating up over there. Most of the work I do I accomplish at home, but occasionally I like to show up at the office and show off my face. Glad I did!

We've got lots of new updates going into our website. Primarily, our new product lines of homeopathic remedies, SafeCareOTC for over-the-counter sales, and SafeCareRx, our line of remedies designed for health care professionals, are hitting shelves in stores and offices around the country. We're busy getting the good word out about these powerful products, hoping that as more and more people are turned on to the world of homeopathy, they will try our contemporary remedies.

I truly feel these combination remedies are the future of homeopathy. As more and more people are failed by our "modern" medicine and disease-care system, they are turning to alternatives. Traditional homeopathy seems a little out-of-reach for many people just beginning to dabble in the world of alternative medicine. Our combination remedies help open the door to this message of healing and restorative health care.

We don't have to live with our faulty and doomed disease care system. If you've been looking for an alternative path to health and wellness, check out our website at I'd love to read your comments on the website as we're always looking to make it more user friendly and helpful.

Be well, and stay informed!

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