Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hospitals for Health?

Nearly 100,000 Americans die every year due to errors that occur at hospitals.

I got that figure from last week's Newsweek, which I've linked in the title and again here:

One hundred thousand. Deaths from accidents. At hospitals!

Something is seriously wrong here. I've discussed in the past my feelings concerning America's disease-care system. We have a system that does very little to maintain or re-create health. Rather, our system of hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical medicines is designed simply to treat disease. This system does very little for individuals until they get sick. And, to make matters worse, rather than seeing a person's symptoms as the body's natural communication and healing system, our disease-care system works to suppress these symptoms in the hope that when an individual is symptom free, they are healed!

Loyal readers and those familiar with the health care system offered through many of the alternatives like homeopathy, chiropractic, and other forms of complimentary alternative medicine know that the absence of symptoms doesn't necessarily mean that the body is healthy. In fact, modern medicines' suppression of symptoms merely pushes the diseases deeper, creating more damaging and difficult to cure diseases.

And now we hear that our hospitals have a nasty habit of making deadly mistakes! Aside from killing almost 100,000 people a year, medication errors hurt over 1.5 million people! A year! If every single person in America went to the hopsital once a year, 1 out of every 300 people would be hurt by a mistake in a hospital. And we know that not everyone is going to the hospital. If a 1 in 300 chance of being hurt just by seeking help at a hospital doesn't scare you, what do you think about a 1 in 200 chance? Or 1 in 100? You know the actual rate is closer to 1 in 100 than 1 in 300. Scared yet? You should be.

It's no wonder complimentary alternative medicine like homeopathy (my favorite!) is steadily growing in users. More and more people realize the importance of taking a proactive role in creating, re-creating, and maintaining their health. Homeopathy works to empower the body's own natural healing systems. No need to go to a hospital. And with the creation of contemporary combination homeopathic remedies, utilizing this powerful healing system has become easier and easier.

If you are beginning to see the cracks in our disease-care system, cracks like the deadly side effects of pharmaceuticals and horrendous accidental deaths and injuries occuring at hospitals, start educating yourself on the alternatives out there. If you're not looking at your health care options, it's only a matter of time before our current system fails you.

Be well my friends.

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