Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The growing acceptance of combination remedies

The online homeopathic community seems quite full of those who follow the traditional, or classical, homeopathic approach. In fact, I'm hard pressed to find much information about these combination, or contemporary, homeopathic remedies that I haven't actively asked for in a forum or otherwise. Is it that this type of homeopathic remedy is so new that people haven't seen it being used? Or is it a traditional homeopathic's bias away from anything that wasn't specifically incorporated into Hahnemann's repetoire?

Even Hahnemann looked into the combination remedies as a potential new source of healing. Many of the more open-minded homeopaths I've connected with realize that these contemporary remedies have shown themselves to be very effective in acute conditions. And when pressed what they would rather use in an acute crisis, they would much rather use a combination homeopathic remedy than the potentially toxic pharmaceuticals given in our hospitals.

It looks like the next step for our powerful contemporary remedies would be to begin "proving" their efficacy in the homeopathic lab. I'm just learning what this process entails, but it looks like something that is beyond my means. I'm hoping that one of my readers might be able to help connect me with other homeopaths that would be interested in proving some of King Bio's combination contemporary remedies.

I know the power of these remedies. I can't wait to share them with the rest of the world.

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